Trump’s Plan to Defeat the Migrant Caravan Will Cost Taxpayers $50M

Amid news of a caravan of migrants from Central America traveling through Mexico to seek asylum in the U.S., the Pentagon announced Monday, Oct. 29 the deployment of 5,200 additional active-duty troops to the border with Mexico. These new forces will supplement the 2,100 National Guard troops already there.

The cost of immigration enforcement, in terms of dollars spent, falls mainly into two buckets: border security and interior enforcement. Since the last major overhaul of the U.S. immigration system in 1986, according to the American Immigration Council, the federal government has spent an estimated $263 billion on immigration enforcement. Trump’s aggressive and antagonistic immigration strategy will further increase that cost.

U.S. Border Patrol Budget Surges to $3.8B

In 1993, the U.S. government initiated its current strategy of concentrated border enforcement. Since then, the annual budget of the U.S. Border Patrol has surged to more than 10 times its original budget, from $363 million to more than $3.8 billion.

Border enforcement got another huge boost with the creation of the Department of Homeland Security in 2003. U.S. Customs and Border Protection, an agency of the DHS, has seen its budget double from $5.9 billion to $13.2 billion per year. On top of that, Immigration and Customs Enforcement spending has grown a massive 85 percent, from $3.3 billion to $6.1 billion.

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Additional Troops to Cost Americans $50M

Besides border security, immigration enforcement designates that ICE handles noncitizens in the interior of the U.S. for detention and deportation. In 2016, ICE spent an average of $10,854 per deportation, according to a report by the Center for Immigration Studies.

The Defense Department doesn’t anticipate any terrorist infiltration and little involvement of criminal gangs in the exodus Trump is preoccupied with, according to Newsweek. Approximately 1,700 of the migrants filed for asylum in Mexico, and another 3,500 plan to move on to the United States. The deployment of the 5,200 additional troops at the border will cost up to $50 million, a Pentagon official told Newsweek.

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This article originally appeared on Trump’s Plan to Defeat the Migrant Caravan Will Cost Taxpayers $50M
