President says he fears Bernie Sanders, as Indians label him ‘warmonger, imperialist, gangster’ during lavish Taj Mahal visit

Narendra Modi greets Donald Trump on his arrival in India: EPA
Narendra Modi greets Donald Trump on his arrival in India: EPA

Donald Trump has told reporters Vermont senator Bernie Sanders is the 2020 rival he fears the most during his tour of India, which began with the president receiving a bear hug from Narendra Modi and a lavish welcome from the locals.

Prior to visiting the Taj Mahal, the president addressed a “Namaste Trump” rally before a 100,000-strong crowd at the Motera Stadium in Ahmedabad and praised the country’s economic progress, thriving Bollywood film industry and “very tough” prime minister - only to mangle the pronounciation of several key names, including that of legendary cricketer Sachin Tendulkar.

Back in DC, the president has reportedly assembled a network of allies to help him remove anti-Trump “deep state” operatives he believes are working against him in the US government as his post-acquittal vengeance push continues.

US and other stock markets tumbled sharply on Monday amid worries about the Coronavirus, with the president firing off a 3 a.m. tweet from India claiming this: "The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. We are in contact with everyone and all relevant countries. CDC & World Health have been working hard and very smart. Stock Market starting to look very good to me!" At the White House, his aides are bracing from a new book by his second national security adviser, HR McMaster. (He fired the retired Army three-star general.)

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