Trump doubles down on NFL rant, clearly has no idea how all this works

If there's anything constructive to take from Donald Trump's continuing crusade against black athletes in the NFL protesting racial injustices in America, it's that he seems to have lost touch with reality.

Less than 24 hours after his initial, poorly received remarks that took the league's protesting players to task, the 45th president of the United States is using his favorite social media platform to double down. In a pair of Saturday tweets, he seems to suggest that he's somehow empowered to fire NFL players.

SEE ALSO: Donald Trump begins feud with Steph Curry, reaches new level of petty

Or maybe he just wanted to bring out his trademark TV catchphrase, perhaps in a misguided bid to boost his popularity amid an ineffectual first year in office.

Someone — literally any adult in the room at the White House, please — needs to sit this man down and explain some basic rules about corporate governance and the U.S. Bill of Rights. Trump can't dictate what the NFL does with its employees, and the ones who have chosen to protest are protected under our fundamental U.S. laws.

To whomever sits Trump down for a big boy talk, you also might want to fill him in on current events, given what's happened/happening in Mexico, Puerto Rico, and North Korea.

Trump's Twitter antics left "joke" territory behind a long time ago. To quote the man himself: Sad!

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