Trump’s doctor refutes rumors of a serious presidential illness

President Donald Trump‘s unscheduled weekend visit to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center prompted days of widespread rumors about the president's health.

His doctor now says it was all routine.

Dr. Sean P. Conley, physician to the president, used a memo released by the White House late Monday night to refute speculation that Trump had suffered from chest pain or another serious issue that led him to suddenly depart the White House by motorcade on Saturday afternoon.

Conley wrote in the memo to the press secretary, Stephanie Grisham, that Trump was not treated for any urgent issues. He said Trump's visit to the medical center was for a regular check-up and that “scheduling uncertainties“ kept the visit off the record.

Trump “did not undergo any specialized neurologic or cardiac evaluations,” Conley wrote. He said he would continue to check in on the president, including a “more comprehensive examination after the New Year.“

“Primary preventative medical care is something occurs continuously throughout the year," Conley wrote, "it is not just a single annual event.“

Trump‘s surprise visit to the medical center prompted rumors on social media that the president was seriously ill. Unlike prior routine presidential physicals, the Saturday visit was not on the president’s schedule. It also came just nine months after his annual physical.

Grisham had said the visit was routine Saturday and pushed back on the rumors as “wholly irresponsible & dangerous for the country.“

Conley added in his memo that Trump also took a brief tour of the Bethesda, Md., medical center and met with staff. Trump also spoke with the family of a soldier going through surgery, then headed back to the White House.