Trump considering withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan

President Trump is considering a withdraw of troops from Afghanistan, the latest in a series of changes of U.S. military operations.

WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump is considering a major withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, the latest in a series of abrupt changes to U.S. military policy the president is either eyeing or has executed over the past 24 hours.

Trump is weighing the decision to pull back from the 17-year-old conflict, a senior U.S. official told USA TODAY.

The revelation comes as Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, widely seen as a steadying figure in the administration, cited differing opinions with the president on Thursday to explain his decision to leave his post.

Taken together with Trump's announcement he is withdrawing roughly 2,000 troops from Syria, the moves appeared to represent a reshuffling of the administration's military strategy that more closely aligns with what Trump promised during his campaign but that has been opposed by Mattis and others inside the Pentagon.

The idea of pulling back from Afghanistan drew a sharp rebuke from Republicans and Democrats on Capitol Hill. Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said he recently returned from Afghanistan and maintained that ISIS remains a threat there.

More: Defense Secretary Mattis leaving his job after clash with Trump over Syria

More: Read Defense Secretary Jim Mattis' resignation letter

“Our Afghan partners are incapable of subduing the threat posed by ISIS-K alone," Graham, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said in a statement.

"The conditions in Afghanistan – at the present moment – make American troop withdrawals a high-risk strategy," he said. "If we continue on our present course we are setting in motion the loss of all our gains and paving the way toward a second 9/11."

Rhode Island Sen. Jack Reed, the top Democrat on the Senate Armed Services Committee, told USA TODAY Thursday night that the decision to withdraw troops from Afghanistan is not tethered to a strategy for the war there.

The decision to remove U.S. forces will complicate negotiations with the Taliban over reconciliation with the Afghan government, Reed said.

“The message to the Taliban, especially the most difficult elements of the Taliban, is just to wait a little bit longer,” Reed said.

It's not clear how many troops could be withdrawn, or even if Trump will follow through on the idea. The Wall Street Journal, citing an anonymous source, suggested the number could be as high as 7,000 troops, roughly half the current U.S. force deployed in Afghanistan.

Spokespeople at the White House and the Pentagon declined to comment.

The Trump administration increased the U.S. commitment to the country more than a year ago by authorizing nearly 4,000 additional troops for what war commanders described at the time as a stalemate. Trump detailed his Afghanistan strategy last summer in a prime-time address. Speaking at Joint Base Myer–Henderson Hall in Virginia, he described his approach as a retreat from nation-building in favor of what he called "principled realism."

"My original instinct was to pull out and, historically, I like following my instincts," Trump said at the time. "But all my life I’ve heard that decisions are much different when you sit behind the desk in the Oval Office."

But that decision represented a break from the rhetoric Trump embraced during his 2016 campaign. Trump, at the time , frequently questioned the nation's involvement in Afghanistan, at one point describing it as "a complete waste." Before he became president, Trump had called for an end to the war for years.

The roughly 14,000 U.S. troops serving in Afghanistan are training local military forces and fighting terrorist groups, including ISIS.

The U.S. began military operations in Afghanistan after the September 11 attacks in 2001. President George W. Bush demanded the Taliban turn over Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and launched Operation Enduring Freedom when its leaders declined. There have been 2,400 U.S. military personnel killed in Afghanistan.

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Trump considering withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan