Trump Campaign Fundraising Email Reads 'Sabotage'

A fundraising email sent out by President Donald Trump’s campaign to all his supporters and reporters to assist in his reelection cycle had “SABOTAGE” as its subject line.

The fundraising pitch was surprising enough for many of the reporters from news outlets such as the Washington Post, NPR, Business Insider and the New York Times to immediately upload screenshots of the same on social media, stirring up quite a buzz in the process.

“You already knew the media was out to get us,” said the email, Chicago Tribune reported. “But sadly it's not just the fake news ... There are people within our own unelected bureaucracy that want to sabotage President Trump and our entire America First movement”

The email goes on to quote one of the statements made in the past by White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon: "If you think they're going to give you your country back without a fight, you're sadly mistaken. Every day is going to be a fight. That is the promise of Donald Trump."

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The email was sent out hours after news started making rounds that House Committee On Oversight And Government Reform Chairman, Jason Chafettz had sent out a letter to the acting FBI Director, Andrew McCabe.

In it, he asked for memos in possession of former FBI Director James Comey that may contain evidence of the president trying to influence the FBI’s investigation into former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn’s Russia connections.

One of the memos documented by Comey, following the resignation of Flynn, states Trump had said during a conversation with Comey, “I hope you can let this go,” according to a New York Times report. The president went on to mention that Flynn was a “good man” who did not deserve to get investigated.

Comey, who had promised the president “honesty” instead of “loyalty” during a dinner at the White House, as a report by the New York Times mentioned, neither agreed nor disagreed with Trump regarding the Flynn investigation. He merely concurred with the president’s view of Flynn’s character.

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The oversight committee is yet to conduct an investigation into the possibility of Trump influencing the FBI investigation against Flynn and if found guilty of the same, he might have to face serious repercussions.

Donald Trump
Donald Trump

President Donald Trump jokes with former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn as they speak at a rally at Grand Junction Regional Airport in Grand Junction Colorado,on Oct. 18, 2016. Photo: Getty Images/George Frey

This alleged obstruction of justice by Trump was the second bit of breaking news within 24 hours, with the first one being of him reportedly disclosing classified information to the Russian foreign minister and ambassador.

The White House has denied allegations against the president on both counts. Nonetheless, the fundraising email raised a number of eyebrows with phrases like “sabotage” and “cleaning house.”

While it remains unclear as to what the GOP campaign could mean when they stated that the “unelected bureaucracy” were out to “sabotage” the Trump administration, “cleaning house” seemed to be an indirect reference to the firing of Comey.

The email ended with a request for everyone to contribute $1 towards Trump’s mission to “Drain The Swamp” and “Fight Back.”

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