Trump Attacks Comey, Democrats On Twitter

The president lashed out a number of targets on Sunday.

President Donald Trump took to Twitter Sunday morning with a lot to say about former FBI Director James Comey, the economy and Democrats. The four tweets saw Trump lash out against several of his other favorite targets.

The first one was a two-parter. “The #FakeNews MSM (mainstream media) doesn’t report the great economic news since Election Day. #DOW up 16%. #NASDAQ up 19.5%. Drilling & energy sector way up. Regulations way down. 600,000+ new jobs added. Unemployment down to 4.3%. Business and economic enthusiasm way up- record levels!”

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One of Trump’s favorite targets in his presidency and campaign has been the mainstream media. The Dow and the Nasdaq have indeed increased, but mostly on the same trajectory from when he took office in January, and while 601,000 jobs have been added and the unemployment rate is at a 16-year low this month, those numbers are also mostly in line with 2016 figures.

Trump has knocked off some Obama regulations via executive orders, but no major legislation has come out of Congress. According to the University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment Survey, sentiment is in fact up since the election. It got a large bump in December but has since trailed off a bit.

In his next Twitter posting, Trump went after Comey. “I believe the James Comey leaks will be far more prevalent than anyone ever thought possible. Totally illegal? Very 'cowardly!"

Trump is referring to Thursday’s Senate Intelligence Committee hearing in which Comey testified that he kept memos of his conversations with Trump, and handed them over to a friend to give to the media before the hearing. Comey was testifying about whether Trump had possibly obstructed justice by asking Comey to stop an investigation into ties between Trump’s former national security advisor Mike Flynn and Russia. Comey also claimed that Trump had asked him for his loyalty in a private dinner.

At a news conference Friday, Trump had an entirely different version of events than Comey's, denying he asked for loyalty. Trump said that he would be 100 percent willing to testify under oath.

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“I didn't say that,” said Trump referring to the Comey testimony, indicating that Trump asked that the investigation go away. “And there’d be nothing wrong if I did say it, according to everybody that I've read today.”

Trump hasn’t been shy about much on Twitter, but especially about going after the Democrats and Obamacare. The final tweet read: “The Democrats have no message, not on economics, not on taxes, not on jobs, not on failing #Obamacare. They are only OBSTRUCTIONISTS!”

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