Trump's Physical Exam Inadvertently Sparks #Girther Movement

When President Obama was elected, Donald Trump was the catalyst behind the birther movement, a group of people that were convinced that Obama wasn’t born in the United States. The group offered rewards for any evidence that supported their claim, although none ever came.

President Trump’s physical results, released this week seem to have spawned a similar movement (although not one that would get him removed from office) by people jokingly being referred to as “girthers” because they don’t believe the weight represented in the report is accurate and want Trump to get on a scale to prove it.

The White House physician, Rear Adm. Ronny Jackson, said Trump is 6 feet 3 inches and weighs 239 pounds, one pound shy of being categorized as obese.

Twitter quickly pointed out that Trump seems shorter than six three when he has been photographed next to other people who claim to be the same height. He also appears in photos to be much heavier than 239lbs, when you look at him in photos beside other people around the same weight.

Most of the comparisons being made are professional athletes, so it stands to reason that Trump could in fact weight 239 pounds but be made up of considerably more fat than those he’s being placed next to, who are made up of more muscle (which is denser than fat).

To pour some cold water on the conspiracy theories: Rear Admiral Jackson is a highly decorated Navy physician who was appointed to the White House during President George W. Bush’s second term and was kept on by both the Obama and Trump administrations. And several members of the Obama White House spoke to Jackson’s integrity:
