Truffle trouble: prices of prized tuber double in Italy after driest autumn for decades

The quantity of truffles being gathered is down by up to 90 per cent in some parts of Italy - Getty Images Contributor
The quantity of truffles being gathered is down by up to 90 per cent in some parts of Italy - Getty Images Contributor

Gourmands of the world, despair - the price of prized white truffles in Italy has nearly doubled because of an unusually dry autumn.

Prices are now as high as €4,500 (£4,000) a kilo, compared to €2,500 a kilo last year. After a sweltering summer, Italy has experienced its driest October for 60 years, spelling disaster for the tubers, which grow in the wild in woods and forests.

As truffle hunters start gathering what few tubers there are, they say the harvest could be down by 90 per cent in some parts of the country.

There are an estimated 200,000 registered truffle hunters, who supply restaurants and shops across the country. They use specially trained dogs to sniff out the truffles, with the best spots kept a closely guarded secret. 

“We are still hoping for rain in the coming weeks, but at the moment the price is high because of the unfavourable weather conditions,” said Coldiretti, the national agricultural organisation.

“Tuber magnatum (the white truffle) grows in ground that needs to be damp and cool, both in the germination phase and as it develops.”

An Italian truffle hunter (also known as a trifulau), holds a handful of white truffles after finding the fungus among the roots of trees in the hills around Alba, Piedmont. - Credit: Getty
An Italian truffle hunter (also known as a trifulau), holds a handful of white truffles after finding the fungus among the roots of trees in the hills around Alba, Piedmont. Credit: Getty

Truffles are so expensive this year that one restaurant owner is giving his customers a written warning that they will pay a small fortune to sample the delicacy.

“Prices are very high – way too high,” said Alberto Bettini, who owns a restaurant in the village of Savigno in the northern region of Emilia-Romagna.

Last year he offered a truffle-based menu for €35 but this year it will cost €55. He is warning diners of the expense they will incur if they opt for truffles.

“I felt obliged to do it so that they didn’t think I was trying to rip them off,” he told Corriere della Sera newspaper this week. “Last year truffles cost €2,500 a kilo; this year they are costing €4,500 a kilo.”

A truffle hunter watches his dogs as they dig for the valuable tuber in Cuneo in northern Italy. - Credit: Getty
A truffle hunter watches his dogs as they dig for the valuable tuber in Cuneo in northern Italy. Credit: Getty

Like their Italian counterparts, British restaurants that buy white truffles are having to pass on the price hike to their customers.

“The price has doubled because of the lack of rain in Italy,” said Claudio Milani, head chef at L’Anima in London, where truffles are used to flavour fresh pasta, risotto, filets of veal and even ice cream. 

“We’re buying fewer truffles this year because of the price. We bought 300 grams recently but it was for a private party.”