Trikes, a Mustache, and Andy Warhol

Trikes, a Mustache, and Andy Warhol

Now that The New York Times pay wall is live, you only get 10 free clicks a month. For those worried about hitting their limit, we're taking a look through the paper each morning to find the stories that can make your clicks count.

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Top Stories: The fossil fuel industry is working against Obama. 

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World: The unknown whereabouts of Xi Jinping provoke some to say "Chinese political ship is adrift, with factions jockeying to shape an impending Communist Party conclave." 

RELATED: The Republican National Convention, Ryanomics, and K-pop

Politics: Romney's advisers explain how he would handled foreign policy, in light of this week's events. 

RELATED: Medicaid, Hungry Bears, and Buck Showalter

U.S.: Aging bikers have turned to trikes, which are "equal parts 'Easy Rider' and easy chair." 

RELATED: The Man Who Fights Gay Marriage, Walruses and Whales, and Tasting Menus

New York: The Ramble in Central Park is where worlds of lewdness and bird watching intersect. 

Business: y in the organic world over California over a California proposition insisting on the labeling of genetically modified foods. 

Technology: Google's block of the anti-Muslim video in Egypt and Libya "raises fundamental questions about the control that Internet companies have over online expression." 

Baseball: Tyler Kepner on the power of home runs. 

Pro Football: An obituary for the mustache of Giants offensive coordinator Kevin Gilbride. 

Opinion: Prudence Bushnell on making diplomacy safer. Paul Krugman on whether the iPhone can boost the economy. 

Art & Design: Roberta Smith pans the Metropolitan Museum of Art's new Andy Warhol show. 

Movies: A. O. Scott calls The Master "imposing, confounding and altogether amazing."