Trevor Noah is gobsmacked by Mick Mulvaney's quid pro quo confession, today's 6 other Trump scandals

President Trump packed an administration's worth of scandalous news into one day, and Trevor Noah bolted through it on Thursday's Daily Show, ending with a theory about Trump's waning impunity. And in a news cycle "more chaotic than Free Cocaine Day at Dave and Busters," he said, acting Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney managed to break through by admitting Trump withheld $400 million in security aid to Ukraine to get it to investigate Democrats.

"Trump has said on multiple occasions: No quid pro quo of any kind," Noah said. "Now, middle age Harry Potter is coming out and saying that there was a certain type of quid pro quo but everyone must 'get over it'? That's it? Just get over it? Everybody does it, so this is, what? Locker room corruption?" That's "a twist I didn't see coming," he said, comparing Mulvaney's admission to "the murder suspect in a Law & Order episode confessing in the middle of the scene."

Noah also ran through Trump "forcing world leaders to host the G7 summit at his golf club that he makes money from," handing Turkey "the greatest deal of all time" (for Turkey, not the U.S., certainly not the Kurds), and playing a round of "I know you are but what am I?" with Nancy Pelosi, "and we didn't even have time to tell you that Rick Perry — who is tied to the whole Ukraine scandal — abruptly resigned today," he said. "And you know what? This might be the true genius of Donald Trump. Because you realize with one scandal, you get kicked out of office. But with seven in one day? Ain't nobody got time for that."

"Trump's chief of staff basically admitted to a quid pro quo," Noah told Dulce Sloan. "How is this helping them?" "It doesn't, but that's the point," she said. "Trump doesn't' want to be president, but he doesn't want to quit, either, because that would make him look bad. So he's out here trying to get dumped." Watch her elaborate on that below.