From New York City to Palau, See Where the Stars Will Take You This Month


Israeli postage stamp from 1961 designed by I. Blaushild. (Photo: Karen Horton)

This horoscope is for January 2015.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)


Explore the lush jungles of Chiang Mai. (Photo: L Weiling/Flickr)

Saturn’s new shift highlights your need for deeper retreat, Capricorn, as you start the year “off the grid” with a trek through the coconut jungles of Chiang Mai. Wade through the rivers of Northern Thailand, walk across bridges suspended high above the trees, and maybe even sleep in a treetop hotel. The trip may be a little bumpy at times, but you will surely gain a different perspective. Take the time now you need to reflect on what you want the next few years to look like.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)


Ride the funicular up to Santiago Metropolitan Park and then cool off in one of the pools. (Photo: alobos Life/Flickr)

Mercury, Venus, and Mars are all doing an Aquarian dance this week. You are up for anything, as long as it’s unusual, and you can appease all of those demanding planets at once. With this in mind, get yourself to summery Santiago, Chile – and fast! The hip Barrio Brazil district will satisfy Venus’ love of the arts and culture, while bohemian Bellavista will soothe Mercury’s need to socialize and shop (Mercury is the merchant after all). Mars is always up for a good adventure so hop on the funicular in Bellavista and ride 500 meters up (at a 45-degree angle) to the top of the Santiago Metropolitan Park, where you can take in panoramic views of the city as your cool off that fiery Mars with a dip in one of the two lush open-air pools. This could very well be the perfect place for you right now.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)


For a beautiful, otherworldly experience, swim with the sting-less jellyfish in Palau. (Photo: Bernard Radvaner/Corbis)

Thanks to Saturn’s recent shift, you have begun the process of redefining yourself and your offering, but it can take some quiet time to get there. Luckily, Mercury, Venus, and Mars are all supporting you as you let go in pristine Palau, a gorgeous chain of islands in Micronesia, known for being a virtual paradise on earth. Swim with the sting-less jellies of Jellyfish Lake, contemplate the ancient basalt monoliths of Badrulchau, or cave dive in Chandelier Cave. Whatever you do, let your adventures inspire you to dream. Your bullet-pointed plan is on its way.

Aries (March 21-April 19)


Head to Cuba for plenty of food, music, culture, and—of course!—cigars. (Photo: Getty Images)

It’s a whole new world for you, Aries, as Saturn’s recent shift brings you opportunities for personal growth, teachers to support you along the way, and – best of all – travel plans to broaden your horizons. Embrace it all as you start 2015 in… Cuba! Since President Barack Obama announced plans to normalize relations with the country, there has been a steady stream of articles about what to see in Cuba, from music to classic cars to eating the fantastic food (finished off with a cigar, of course). But there is also folklore about a city that disappeared beneath the waves along the western Guanahacabibes peninsula. A little “lost civilization” intrigue makes any trip so much more exciting! Merge the old and the new, and grow!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)


The snowy, picturesque Adirondack Mountains in winter. (Photo: Michael Kreho/Flickr)

Saturn’s recent shift is signaling a time of reflection and is offering you a chance to sift through many layers over the next few years. It’s a big job so pace yourself, Taurus. Practicing this on all levels is recommended, starting with the physical. Spend some time honoring your new Saturn connection as you enjoy all there is to do in the New York Adirondack Mountains around Lake Placid, home to the Winter Olympics in 1932 and 1980. Rent a log cabin, get in some award-winning skiing or a dogsled ride (yes, you can do this there!), and maybe even a friendly game of ice hockey (“miracles” do happen here). There’s all sorts of winter fun to be had, so get to it!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)


Is it any wonder that Moorea is considered the most beautiful island in the world? (Photo: Getty Images)

Saturn’s recent shift is bringing the focus to your partnerships, supporting you to forge new unions and strengthen the ones you have. With lush mountain islands soaring out of South Seas, Moorea in French Polynesia has all the magic you need now to connect with your heart, soul, and maybe even your soulmate. Swim with the dolphins, feed the manta rays, learn to paddle board in the calm waters of the lagoon, or simply enjoy the serenity of one of the most beautiful islands in the world. If the next few years are all about forging new partnerships, this is a good place to begin.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)


The serene beaches of Nicaragua provide a perfect setting to find your zen. (Photo: Volanthevist/Moment/Getty Images)

They say the body is the temple, and Saturn’s key words for you over the next few years, Cancer, are discipline and drive. Merge these with the heart-centered Moon in your sign this week, and you’ve got the perfect planetary combo for a healthy retreat. Honor your body and soul as you travel to the Pacific coast of Nicaragua’s Playa Escameca, where the beaches are best for extended “shavasana” pose after a good long yoga practice or some quality time in the surf. Just make sure to leave the place as pristine as when you came so the turtles can nest at night.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)


Visiting the traditional Hanok Village in Seoul, Korea is like stepping back in time. (Photo: John Steele Photo/Moment Open/Getty Images)

Saturn’s recent shift is busy creating the backdrop for your next few years, where you will be commanding the stage more and more. The Moon and Jupiter in your regal sign this week are ushering you off to Gyeongbokgung Palace, the “Palace Greatly Blessed by Heaven,” in the heart of Seoul. Spend some time wandering around the palace grounds and this charming part of the city, and even pop into the ancient Bukchon Hanok Village to really head back in time. Then it’s time for a quick scenery change as you zip off to the Gangnam district (yes, the one that song was named after), for a taste of the ultra-chic, ultra-modern, and ultra-trendy. Wrap up the show with a view of the city lit up at night from the top of the N Seoul Tower. It’s time to explore all the different backdrops, Leo, and see which one suits you best for your next act.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)


Can’t decide between skiing and kayaking? At Lake Tahoe, you don’t have to. (Photo: Anirudh Rao/Flickr)

Saturn’s recent shift and the Moon in your sign this week are all highlighting your heart and home, Virgo, making you tune a little more inward these days. Spend some time dreaming up your perfect abode as you take in all of the scenery in Lake Tahoe, where California and Nevada meet. So now the big questions are: Do you want a mountain view each day, where you can hit the famous slopes with ease? Or do you feel best when you have a waterfront view, with a kayak at the ready? Or is the cabin nestled in the woods with a fireplace burning more in alignment for your cozy needs? Can’t decide? This is where Tahoe settles any questions and simply gives you all of it.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)


In between chowing down on yummy beignets and gumbo, be sure to visit Jackson Square while you’re in New Orleans. (Photo: Jim Nix/Flickr)

Saturn’s recent shift is giving you the chance to state what you need and make it happen. The key is to focus your energy and not overextend yourself. What a better place to test this out than New Orleans, where you can do whatever you want, whenever you want, at any time of the day! Figure out if you want to spend your time leisurely meandering around the French Quarter, beignet in hand, letting the magic happen on its own (i.e., the “not overextending yourself” plan). Or do you want to make an itinerary and stick to it, making sure you hit Jackson Square, the famous cemeteries and plantations all before a delicious Creole dinner (i.e,. “the focused energy” way)? Now is the time to experience the different ways to use your time and energy, Libra, as you are getting familiar with Saturn’s new place in your life. Play with it and see what suits you best! And in the meantime, enjoy the gumbo.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)


You’ll have dollar signs in your eyes after an exciting day spent on Wall Street. (Photo: Simone Becchetti/Stocksy)

Saturn’s recent shift is bringing your focus to steady building on the financial front, Scorpio. This week, go to New York City’s Financial District, where it’s all about the Benjamins. Wander around Wall Street, with its historic cobblestone streets, so narrow yet bustling with energy. Be blown away by the stacks of gold bars in the gold vault in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. And make sure to rub the infamous Bull’s nose, horns, and a certain part of his backside for good luck. Be inspired by all the glitter and excitement, but as they say, do what you love and the money will follow.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)


The best thing about winter is the snow and Big Sky Resort has plenty of it. Hit those slopes! (Photo: Zach Dischner/Flickr)

You’re still getting used to the new Saturn energy that just entered your sign the other week, and where it will stay for the next few years. Welcome the planet’s massive presence in your sphere with a trip to Big Sky, Montana, a little town hidden in the Madison Mountain Range that’s considered the Gateway to Yellowstone National Park. It boasts some of the best powder out west, is considered to have the most skiable terrain in the U.S., and – get this – there are virtually no lines for the lift. It’s a winter dream come true! Go where the snow meets the rocks, Sag, and ride the moguls – like a Boss!

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