Tracy Morgan Imitates a Robot as Only Tracy Morgan Can

Tracy Morgan Imitates a Robot as Only Tracy Morgan Can

We realize there's only so much time one can spend in a day watching new trailers, viral video clips, and shaky cell phone footage of people arguing on live television. This is why The Atlantic Wire is bringing you an afternoon feature highlighting the day's video clips that truly earn your five minutes (or less) of attention. Today: a brief history of the title sequence, Will Arnett in his natural element, and Tracy Morgan trapped in a closet.

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  • The problem with graduate student Jurjen Versteeg's two-minute trailer for a fake documentary on the history of the title sequence is that it make us wish there was a real documentary about the history of the title sequence. In the meantime, his lovely two-minute history of the form will have to suffice. [Dangerous Minds via Roger Ebert]

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  • Will Arnett is starring in his second TV show in as many years this fall. Even if it doesn't stick, it's comforting to know America has decades--literally decades--of Will Arnett talk show appearances to look forward to. There's something comforting about that, even if Jay Leno won't always be around to look generally confounded by everything Arnett says or does. [The Tonight Show]

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  • During Tracy Morgan's new interview on Saturday Night Live writer Mike O'Brien cloakroom-based web series 7 Minutes in Heaven, there are moments there are moments where he seems a bit too in on the joke. (It's an interview, in a closet, about silly things!) Then he's asked for his best robot impersonation and--boom--the old Tracy Jordan self-important gravitas comes out of the bottle and refuses to go back in. Gold. [Mike O'Brien via Vulture]