Town's Pride event gets £17k National Lottery cash

The organisers of a town's Pride event said they have secured "major backing" from the National Lottery.

The Corby Pride group in Northamptonshire, will be getting more than £17,000 for this year's celebrations on 22 June and will also put some of the money towards future investment.

The money will be spent on several different thing including the main stage and parking management, the group said.

The 2024 event is the second Pride celebration it had put on.

Last year's inaugural Corby Pride featured a parade from James Ashworth VC Square to Coronation Park, where entertainment was on offer.

Callum Reilly, who chairs the Corby Pride group, said at the time that the event was a "safe space" which was "testament to everybody within the community".

Leanne Buckingham, the town's first lesbian mayor, said Pride was "important for different people in different ways".

Corby Town Council said consultations following the first Pride found there was a desire to make Pride a yearly event and to continue working in partnership with local groups, firms and charities.

This year's Pride will feature a parade along the same route as last year, followed by a gathering in Coronation Park.

The grant of £17,160 comes from the National Lottery Community Fund Awards for All England.

As well as the main stage, it will fund security, marketing, toilets, first aid and volunteer training.

Mr Reilly said the charity had provided "major backing" and added: "It's fantastic to receive this news from the National Lottery Community Fund.

"This grant will not only support this year’s event but enables Corby Pride to make an investment for the future, so the legacy of this event can continue for years to come.”

Other funders included Corby Town Council, RS Group PLC and the GMB union.

The National Lottery has been contacted for comment.

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