Tournament Dumps PS4 Ultra Street Fighter 4 in Favor of Xbox 360 Edition

New update should improve input latency and online matches, among other things.

As issues persist with the PlayStation 4 edition of Ultra Street Fighter IV, one of the world's biggest fighting game tournaments, Evo, has decided to use the Xbox 360 version of the game for an upcoming event.

Evo Championship Series co-founder Joey Cuellar explained the situation on Twitter recently.

Cuellar also confirmed that, even if the PS4 edition of Ultra Street Fighter 4 is patched before the tournament begins in the middle of July, the Xbox 360 edition will still be used.

Ultra Street Fighter IV saw its exclusive current-generation release for PS4 last month. Almost immediately, players discovered numerous and significant issues with the new version of Capcom's fighting game. These problems included character moves not working properly, strange visuals, and input lag.

Suffice it to say, using this version for a major competitive event could be a disaster.

For its part, Capcom addressed the issues in a statement last week, saying it was working alongside Sony to clear up the problems with a new patch. It's also important to note that Sony's third-party production group developed and published the game, not Capcom itself. Sony has promised to release a new patch for the game this week to clear up the problems.

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