Total Recall(s); The Future of Animation

Total Recall(s); The Future of Animation

We realize there's only so much time one can spend in a day watching new trailers, viral video clips, and shaky cell phone footage of people arguing on live television. This is why every day The Atlantic Wire highlights the videos that truly earn your five minutes (or less) of attention. Today:

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Fun, fun, fun: Here's a mashup of the trailer for the remake of Total Recall -- which seems like it has been coming down the pike forever but still looks intriguing -- with scenes from the original Total Recall, which is highly dated but nonetheless compelling. Yelling -- and shots of Colin Farrell looking worried/sinister -- ensue. We're there. [Jo Blo]

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New Dark Knight Rises TV spot time! It's pretty much like other Dark Knight Rises trailers, except that a wan-sounding Michael Caine gurgles "You are no longer Batman" which is certainly worth your 30 seconds. [via The Hollywood Reporter]

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Here's Toy Story director John Lasseter pontificating on the future on animation. Trenchant and intriguing! Unadressed: the fact that Brave looks like a big, fat Dreamworks Animation-y dud. [via Fast Company]

What time is it? Funny you should ask: it's pointless world record time. to wit: Here are 333 -- 333! -- bagpipe players on a stage in Sofia, Bulgaria, breaking the standing record for most bag pipeage on a single stage. Warning: this clip requires headphones. [via Rutwikbasu]