Toronto hotel unveils 5-metre-high gingerbread replica of CN Tower

TORONTO - The Ritz-Carlton Hotel has unveiled what it calls Toronto's tallest holiday gingerbread creation — a five-metre-high replica of the 553-metre CN Tower.

The gingerbread version of the city's iconic structure, located a short walk from the downtown luxury hotel, was made with 90 kilograms of flour, 38.5 kilograms of sugar, nine kilograms of spice, 12 kilograms of egg whites and 23 kilograms of butter, the Ritz-Carlton says.

The hotel's pastry chefs spent a month creating the replica, which has been installed in the lobby, said publicist Melanie Greco.

It will be dismantled after the holidays. "So sad to say, after all that work, but it's true," she said.

Meanwhile, the Delta Beausejour Hotel in Moncton, N.B., has produced a similarly massive confection.

Its three-metre-high gingerbread house, billed as the biggest in the city, is made from 156 kilograms of flour, 40 kilograms of sugar, 110 kilograms of icing, two kilograms of cinnamon and spice, 33 kilos of shortening and 10 kilograms of candy.