Topless Photos Of Lucy Hale Leak Onto Internet After Cellphone Hack

Topless photos of actress Lucy Hale leak onto internet.
Topless photos of actress Lucy Hale leak onto internet.

Actress Lucy Hale is reported to be the latest victim in a long line of celebrities to see personal photos of themselves stolen by hackers and then uploaded to the internet, as reported by Teen Vogue. “This has to stop,” the publication wrote of the actions of the hackers responsible for the Lucy Hale leak. Photos were said to have been published to the “Celeb Jihad” website.

“Once again a woman in the public eye was violated, stolen from and her private life and body were exposed for anyone to see,” the actress wrote in a tweet. “I will not apologize for living my life and having a personal life that is all mine.”

The photos were said to have originally been sent to a friend of the actress and then stolen from a cellphone.

The Huffington Post has previously noted the tendency of some to scold celebrities, and others, for taking and sharing nude photos of themselves in the first place, seemingly reasoning that Hale, and others, bear at least partial responsibility when their personal photos are stolen and shared online.

Pointing out the seeming absurdity of the view, Galanty Miller, who reports that he works at a porn site, suggested, satirically, that if people want to make absolutely sure that nude photos never leak online that the only course of action is to never completely disrobe. He offers wearing loincloths beneath undergarments and wearing bathing suits in the shower as methods to ensure one is never exposed.

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Topless Photos Of Lucy Hale Leak Onto Internet After Cellphone Hack is an article from: The Inquisitr News