Top 9 emojis if you're, like, really into graphs

Greetings, fellow graphians! If you're like me, nothing grabs your attention quite like a diagrammatical illustration of a set of data. Frankly put: Graphs. Kick. Ass. 

When you think of emojis, you may think of the popular ones first. For instance, there's the smiley faces, the hearts, the flame, and the ultra popular closed umbrella (🌂). 

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But what if you wanted to use emojis to just talk graphs with a fellow graph fan? Well you're in luck, because Apple had the foresight to include an array of graphs in their emoji selection; they're just a little hard to find! 

Here are the top nine emojis for us graph lovers.

1. Vertical bar graph emoji

Oh hell yeah. The bar graph. The cornerstone of graphs. A bar graph has everything you love about graphs: bars, colors, and data. If you ask me, there's not a more aesthetically pleasing graph than the bar graph. Needless to say, I get a lot of mileage out of this one and it's always sitting top left in my "frequently used" section, as I'm sure is true about a lot of you.

2. Upward-trending line graph emoji

This is another certified classic. The upward-trending line graph usually indicates good news, and graph enthusiasts will often use this emoji to say something in their life is going well. (Wish I could say I used this one more often LOL.)

3. Downward-trending line graph emoji

Basically the inverse of the upward-trending line graph. Graph fanatics will often use it to say something isn't going well. E.g. "I'm all out of yarn! 📉"

4. Upward-trending line graph with Yen. 

This is only used for one specific purpose in the graph community and that's "I have recently gained Yen." And it comes up a lot more often than you would think.

5. Straight edge ruler emoji

Okay so there are only four graph emojis I guess. I really thought there were more. But maybe like if you were to make a graph by hand you would probably have to use a straight edge ruler to draw the lines? Or you would just use a computer I guess. 

6. Open folder emoji

Okay so bear with me here. If you were to have a lot of physical graphs you would need to put them somewhere, right? Perhaps in a folder? Sorry about this. I promised my editor I'd come up with nine of these and I thought there were way more than four graph emojis. 

7. Slightly more open folder emoji

This has really taken a turn for the worse. So this one would be the same as above except it's slightly more open. Once again I'd like to apologize for this. I could've sworn there were way more graph emojis. Unfortunately, I have a deadline to meet on this. Please continue reading. 

8. Rollercoaster emoji

Okay. You'll have to use your imagination a little bit on this one. But if you squint just right, the rollercoaster emoji almost looks like a graph. This is the best I could do. I'm sincerely sorry. I just have one more left to wring out of this and then you can move on.  

9. Vol. 4 by John Appleseed emoji 

Alright, I know what you're thinking and yes, it's just a book. But who's to say that Vol. 4 by John Appleseed isn't all about graphs? You have no idea. It very well could be. Maybe Mr. Appleseed was such a huge graph lover that he needed four volumes just to do his graph passion justice. There is no telling what's in this book, but as far as you or anyone else knows, it's specifically about graphs. So yeah. 

I really thought this would go over better and I'm sorry.

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