Tomi Lahren Thinks She Is Very Smart, and Also That the Clintons Literally Murdered People

From Esquire

Why exactly is The Blaze's Tomi Lahren in support of Trump when she's just like the women Trump repeatedly attacks and goes after? Well, the definitive answer to that one is still a mystery, but it could have to do with the fact that she's a conspiracy theorist who doesn't like to read much.

Over the weekend, The Daily Caller's Jamie Weinstein interviewed 24-year-old Lahren on his podcast, and it was...illuminating. The conversation wasn't even an hour long, but it managed to cover the following important points:

1. Lahren wants everyone to know that she's very smart-"an enigma, of sorts" who has "a lot of layers." She allegedly had a high GPA in high school and college, and also, dumb people can't have their own shows. (Except for Kim Kardashian, Lahren said, who's "kind of a dummy" but "a great businesswoman.")

2. That said, Lahren has a "short attention span," is "not a reader," and doesn't "read long books." Which makes sense, since we all know that facts are the enemy to the core of the Trump campaign.

3. Lahren also insinuated that she believes the Clintons have murdered people. Like, literally. Killed multiple people. Specifically, Lahren discusses former Deputy White House counsel Vince Foster (whose death in the '90s was ruled as a suicide in six separate investigations) and DNC worker Seth Rich, whose loved ones Weinstein pointed out "don't suspect" foul play.

"Well, his family doesn't want to be in a body bag either, Jamie...I don't know if he was killed by the Clintons or a Clinton hit person," Lahren responded.

Facts. Who needs 'em?

(H/T The Daily Caller)

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