Tomi Lahren Suspended From The Blaze

The Blaze founder Glenn Beck said he was displeased with Lahren’s comments on abortion.

Conservative media company The Blaze suspended political commentator Tomi Lahren for at least one week, according to USA Today. The news was first reported by conservative news outlet The Daily Caller on Monday.

Lahren, 24, reportedly wasn’t on good terms with her co-workers after she claimed last week to be "pro-choice" during an appearance on ABC’s "The View."

"I am a constitutional, y’know, someone that loves the Constitution. I’m someone that’s for limited government," she told "The View" Friday. "So I can’t sit here and be a hypocrite and say I’m for limited government but I think the government should decide what women do with their bodies. I can sit here and say that, as a Republican and I can say, you know what, I’m for limited government, so stay out of my guns, and you can stay out of my body as well."

Read: Tomi Lahren Slams Haters Who Attacked Her Comments About Beyoncé’s Super Bowl 50 Performance

The Blaze founder Glenn Beck was displeased with Lahren’s comments and responded to them on his radio program Monday.

"I would disagree that you’re a hypocrite if you want limited government, and yet you want the government to protect life of the unborn," Beck said.

Lahren took to her Twitter page over the weekend, tweeting that she would not apologize for "being an independent thinker."

"I have moderate, conservative, and libertarian views. I'm human. I will never apologize, to anyone, for being an independent thinker," she tweeted Friday.

Beck, a former Fox News host, once again, fired back. “Wait, libertarian views? Help me out on Trumpcare, stimulus, and executive orders. Trump is anything but libertarian,” he tweeted Monday.

Lahren, who has 4.3 million followers on her Facebook page and more than 665,000 followers on Twitter, has a contract that is set to expire in September. However, there was a possibility that the commentator may leave the company sooner.

The official reason for her alleged suspension was not immediately announced.

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