Tomi Lahren Declares She Is Liberals’ Worst Nightmare’ After ‘Daily Show’ Appearance (Video)

Tomi Lahren used her “Final Thoughts” segment on TheBlaze Monday to rip liberals on the heels of her news-making showdown with “The Daily Show” host Trevor Noah.

“I am your worst nightmare. I don’t care what you label me or how many times you come for me. I am fearless and I’m just getting started,” the conservative pundit said.

“The left is loving and tolerant, so long as you fit their narrative and world view. If you don’t do that, oh boy, get ready for an onslaught of labels, shame, target practice and misspelled tweets,” Lahren said. “Now, the ‘Daily Show’ wasn’t the first time I experienced the hypocrisy of the left or the mainstream media.”

Last week, Lahren appeared on Noah’s show and the comedian took full advantage of having the home field and a live studio audience.

Also Read: Watch Tomi Lahren's Full, Unedited 'Daily Show' Interview Here (Video)

“I walked onto ‘The Daily Show’ knowing there wouldn’t be a single conservative or supporter in the crowd. I had the balls to walk into that situation and didn’t flinch. Trevor Noah is a good guy but he likened me to a racist uncle before I stepped on the stage,” Lahren said, explaining that when the left makes a statement it’s “passion” but it’s “anger” when the right does it.

“Why are you so angry?” Noah started off the interview. It didn’t get much friendlier from there.

“For somebody who is not racist, you have to spend a lot of time saying, ‘I’m not racist,'” he soon posed to the rising star on Glenn Beck’s TheBlaze.

Also Read: Tomi Lahren Fried on Twitter Over 'Daily Show' Appearance: 'Actual Human Garbage'

The two then sparred over recent protests to Donald Trump’s presidential election victory and the Black Lives Matter movement. Later, the 24-year-old Lahren claimed she doesn’t “see color,” which drew a laughing-gasp from the Comedy Central crowd.

“If Trevor Noah appeared in front of a conservative audience and was booed and jeered, what do you think the mainstream would label those folks?” Lahren asked on her own show. “Racists, bigots, deplorables? Take your pick.”

Watch the video above.

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