Today is first day of spring as some Florida voters head to polls. You might need a jacket

Spring has finally arrived, officially, that is.

Don't expect to feel temperatures to feel springlike across the state, though.

A cold front is moving down the state and could bring temperatures near freezing in some areas, along with very breezy conditions.

March 19 also marks Florida's presidential preference primary, where some voters will head to the polls.

And for students in 28 Florida counties, the wait is finally over. They're celebrating spring break this week.

Florida GOP voters head to polls for presidential preference primary

Florida joins voters in four other states in heading to the polls today:

Voting guide

  • Arizona

  • Florida

  • Illinois

  • Kansas

  • Ohio

Only registered Republicans can vote for a GOP candidate for president in Florida.

The Florida Democratic Party nominated Joseph R. Biden Jr. as its only candidate and chose him for this November's ballot last year, so there will be no presidential preference ballot for voters registered with the Democratic Party.

What candidates will be on Florida's PPP ballot?

The 2024 Florida presidential preference primary will be held March 19.
The 2024 Florida presidential preference primary will be held March 19.

Florida law states that if a candidate did not submit a formal withdrawal before Dec. 12, 2023, the candidate’s name must remain on the PPP ballot .

What happens after the presidential preference primary?

After the PPP, the decision over who will represent the party goes to delegates.

Political party delegates nominate the preferred presidential candidates at each party’s national convention.

The party then decides at the convention which presidential candidate will represent their party on the November general election ballot.

When does spring begin?

Spring officially begins today, March 19, astronomical spring, that is. Meteorological spring started March 1.

Cold front moving through Florida to welcome spring's arrival

A cold front is moving through Florida, just in time for the arrival of spring.
A cold front is moving through Florida, just in time for the arrival of spring.

Winds out of the north are following a cold front moving through the state today. Wind gusts up to 30 mph are in the forecast, but are expected to diminish through the mid morning.

Near freezing temperatures were expected Monday night for interior Florida Panhandle locations, according to the Florida Division of Emergency Management.

Northerly winds were forecast to usher much colder temperatures Monday night, with lows falling to near freezing over the interior Florida Panhandle and the upper 30s to lower 40s along the coastline and into the Suwannee River Valley.

What's the difference between astronomical and meteorological seasons?

Meteorological and astronomical seasons begin and end on different dates. The reason has to do with how each are defined.

Astronomical seasons are based on the position of Earth in relation to the sun, whereas the meteorological seasons are based on the annual temperature cycle, according to the National Centers for Environmental Information.

Meteorological seasons are the three-month periods we commonly refer to when talking about spring, summer, fall and winter.

According to National Centers for Environmental Information, meteorological seasons were created because traditional seasons varied from 89 to 93 days. That made it difficult to compare statistics from one year to another.

Astronomical seasons are based on the position of the earth as it makes its annual trip around the sun, according to NOAA. Seasons are defined by two solstices and two equinoxes.

The four meteorological seasons

NOAA comparison of the differences between astronomical and meteorological seasons.
NOAA comparison of the differences between astronomical and meteorological seasons.

For meteorologists, seasons are defined by the months with temperatures and weather often associated with each.

  • Spring: March, April, May.

  • Summer: June, July, August.

  • Fall: September, October, November.

  • Winter: December, January, February.

The four astronomical seasons

The earth is tilted 23.5 degrees. That tilt and the sun’s alignment over the equator determine both the solstices and equinoxes. The dates vary slightly from year to year.

Solstices occur when Earth's tilt is at its maximum either toward or away from the sun.

Equinoxes occur halfway between the solstices, when the sun’s path is aligned with the equator.

So in 2024, those seasons occur:

  • Spring (vernal equinox): March 19, 11:06 p.m. EDT

  • Summer solstice: June 21, 4:51 p.m. EDT

  • Fall (autumnal equinox): Sept. 23, 8:44 a.m. EDT

  • Winter solstice: Dec. 21, 4:21 a.m. EST

Spring break has been in full swing across Florida in March

Spring break ranges from the first week of March to mid-April, and usually peaks in mid-March in Florida.

Spring break schedules for Florida colleges, universities

Miami Beach recently broke up with spring break. The city put safety measures in place for spring break and set a midnight curfew over the St. Patrick's weekend.

For Florida public schools, spring break continues through this month, with students in 28 counties on spring break this week. For some school districts, spring break won't arrive until April.

This article originally appeared on Treasure Coast Newspapers: Florida presidential preference primary, spring, cold front arrive