Four secrets to boost your health

Good health is invaluable, but with the pressures of work and family, who has the time to maintain it? ABC News Chief Health and Medical Editor Dr. Richard Besser offers some quick and easy steps to self-improvement.

1. Eat a healthy diet: Cutting down on sweets and sugary drinks like soda could take 10 pounds off your waistline each year. Healthy diets have also been linked to reducing the risk of diabetes, heart disease and certain forms of cancer.

2. Exercise for at least 15 minutes a day: Finding time to exercise is hard, but carving out a 15-minute slice daily will create a noticeable boost in energy. Take a walking break with co-workers or climb some stairs — a little goes a long way.

3. Get plenty of sleep: Sleep improves mental processes, helps the body repair itself and jump-starts creativity. A good night's rest has also been shown to curb weight gain.

4. Take time to laugh: Laughing releases neurotransmitters called endorphins that produce feelings of well-being. Finding time for the things that make you laugh improves longevity and overall health.

For more health tips, follow Dr. Besser on Twitter.

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