Tips for New Moms Returning to Work & How to Kick New Mom Guilt

Going back to work after giving birth to your newborn is painful for many moms. The Doctors share some tips to help transition working new moms back into the career world.

We spoke with work life balance expert Samantha Ettus, who is also the author of “The Pie Life: A Guilt-Free Recipe for Success and Satisfaction,” about how to best handle the return to work after welcoming your little one. So many new moms experience guilt about leaving their baby, but Samantha would like all moms to do away with those feelings that going back to your career is somehow the wrong decisions. For most moms, not working is simply not an option. Here are some of her helpful tips:

Take Guilt Off The Table

“We tend to feel a lot more guilt than men do… [the moms] that are most fulfilled are the ones that [focus] on their health, their friends, and hobbies, and your community, and your career, and your relationship and your kid,” she says.

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Set Your Work Hours & Stick To Them

If possible Samantha recommends creating set work hours and not bending them. This can help your coworkers and your childcare adjust to your new life as a working mom, while still ensuring that you spend as much time as possible with your baby.

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Nurture Your Romantic Relationship With Your Significant Other

Most of your attention will be on the new little guy or girl in your life, but it’s vital that your also tend to the relationship with your partner. “It’s more important than ever, that you have those date nights” Samantha recommends weekly date nights for new parents, which might sound like too often, but will benefit you in many ways. “You want to have that alone time with your spouse, when your marriage is stronger, your child is stronger,” she adds.