Tinder Introduces Transgender Options

Popular dating app Tinder is rolling out a new update that allows people to choose their gender beyond just the binary options of male and female. In a blog post Tuesday, the company said: “Starting today, no matter how you identify, you can express your authentic self on Tinder.”

Users who want to use this option can go do so by updating their profile, which now has a “More” button under the “I Am” option. Choosing “More” will allow you to type the descriptor that best fits your gender identity. You can also choose to display your gender in your profile as well as appear in searches specific to your gender identity.


To be more inclusive, the dating app will now allow users to choose genders beyond the male/female binary. Photo: Tinder

In the past, Tinder has sometimes struggled with transgender users, who were forced to choose between male and female in their profile and were sometimes reported by other users for not being what their profiles stated. Such reports led to the accounts being removed from the dating app.

Addressing such cases, the blog post added: “We know that we haven’t been perfect in the past. If you believe you were ever wrongfully removed from Tinder because another user reported you unfairly due to your gender, we want to invite you back to our platform. Simply send an email to questions@gotinder.com with a link to your Facebook profile. Our team will review your request and work to grant you access to Tinder.”

The company said it is also educating its staff about issues specific to the transgender and non-gender conforming communities.

Currently, the new feature is available only for users in Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States.

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