Timeline of Oklahoma death row inmate's last day

The director of the Oklahoma Department of Corrections, Robert Patton, released a letter to Gov. Mary Fallin on Thursday that included a timeline of the final day of Clayton Lockett. During his execution Tuesday night, Lockett convulsed and tried to lift his head after a doctor declared him unconscious, and prison officials halted the procedure. Lockett died 43 minutes after the execution began of what state officials have said was a heart attack.

— 5:06 a.m.: The Correctional Emergency Response team arrives at offender Lockett's cell to escort to medical for X-rays as part of the execution protocol. Lockett refused orders to be restrained.

— 5:09 a.m.: CERT team exits unit in preparation for cell entry.

— 5:50 a.m.: CERT team and medical personnel on unit to conduct planned use of force. After giving a verbal order to be restrained, offender Lockett refused, and an electronic shock device (Taser) was administered.

— 5:53 a.m.: Offender Lockett was taken to H Unit medical room where it was found he had a self-inflicted laceration to his right arm. Treatment was administered. Offender Lockett was then transported by vehicle to the medical facility, Intermediate Health Care Center (IHCC), at Oklahoma State Penitentiary.

— 6:35 a.m.: Offender Lockett arrives at IHCC for treatment of self-inflicted injuries which were observed during the cell extraction at 0550 hours.

— 6:45 a.m.: Offender Lockett was moved to an observation unit in IHCC. Medical personnel examined offender Lockett's self-inflicted wounds. Three officers were assigned for continuous observation until 1719 hours.

— 7:00 a.m. - 8:15 a.m.: Offender Lockett was checked by the cell watch team, accompanied by medical personnel, every 15 minutes.

— 8:15 a.m.: Physician Assistant examined offender Lockett and determined that sutures were not needed.

— 8:40 a.m.: Offender Lockett was returned to an observation cell in IHCC.

— 8:50 a.m. - 9:35 a.m.: Offender Lockett was scheduled by the cell watch team every 15 minutes.

— 9:15 (approx.) a.m.: Offender Lockett refused visits from his attorneys.

— 9:42 a.m.: Offender Lockett was offered a food tray and refused the food tray.

— 9:55 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.: Cell watch team checked offender Lockett every 15 minutes.

— 10:25 (approx.) a.m.: Offender Lockett confirmed his refusal to visit with his attorneys.

— 11:11 a.m.: Offender Lockett was offered a food tray and refused the food tray.

— 11:35 a.m. - 2:50 p.m.: Cell watch team checked offender Lockett every 15 minutes.

— 3:10 p.m. - 3:55 p.m.: Cell watch team checked offender Lockett every 15 minutes.

— 4:10 p.m. - 4:40 p.m.: Restraint team escorts offender Lockett from IHCC to H-unit SW Shower (final holding cell prior to execution).

— 4:55 p.m. - 5:10 p.m.: Offender Lockett meets with mental health personnel.

— 5:19 p.m.: Offender Lockett was escorted from SW shower to the execution chamber by Warden Trammell and the restraint team.

— 5:22 p.m.: Offender Lockett was placed and restrained on the execution table.

— 5:27 p.m. - 6:18 p.m.: Phlebotomist enters execution chamber to determine appropriate placement of IV. The Phlebotomist examined offender Lockett's left and right arms, left and right legs, and both feet to locate a viable insertion point. No viable point of entry was located. The doctor then examined the offender's neck and then went to the groin area.

— 6:18 p.m.: The IV insertion process is complete. Insertion point was covered with a sheet to prevent witness viewing of the groin area.

— 6:20 p.m.: Phlebotomist exits execution chamber.

— 6:23 p.m.: Warden Trammell receives approval to proceed with the execution from Director Patton. Shades in execution chamber are raised. Offender Lockett was given the opportunity to make a final statement and declined. Warden Trammell begins the execution. Midazolam is administered intravenously.

— 6:30 p.m.: Doctor checked Offender Lockett for consciousness; offender was still conscious.

— 6:33 p.m.: Doctor checked Offender Lockett for consciousness; offender was unconscious. Vecuronium bromide is administered intravenously. Potassium chloride is administered intravenously.

— 6:42 p.m.: Shades lowered. Phlebotomist and doctor check IV.

— 6:44 p.m. - 6:56 p.m.: The doctor checked the IV and reported the blood vein had collapsed, and the drugs had either absorbed into tissue, leaked out or both. The warden immediately contacted the director by phone and reported the information to the director. The director asked the following question, "Have enough drugs been administered to cause death?" The doctor responded, "No." The director asked, "Is another vein available, and if so, are there enough drugs remaining?" The doctor responded, "No" to both questions. The director requested clarification as to whether enough drugs had been administered to cause death. The doctor responded, "No." The director asked the condition of the offender, the warden responded the doctor was checking the offender's heartbeat and found a faint heartbeat and the offender was unconscious.

— 6:56 p.m.: Director calls off execution under the authority granted by the governor.

— 7:06 p.m.: Doctor pronounced Offender Lockett deceased.