Time Travel, Clive Owen, and One Giant Pig

Time Travel, Clive Owen, and One Giant Pig

We respect and value the social media editors who share the links that make our job easier. But sometimes, we have no idea what they are talking about. So after a long day spent staring at Twitter, we're sharing our favorites.

Japanese scientists build a computer from swarming crabs. VIDEO: slate.me/HZWcTp

— Slate (@Slate) April 17, 2012

Upside: we now have video of how the world is going to end.

Physicists say time travel happens all the time huff.to/HUTLU7

— Huffington Post (@HuffingtonPost) April 17, 2012

Even as you read this, you might be travelling through time. So don't be alarmed if you see a small child with a hoverboard on your way home tonight. And if you do get alarmed, take comfort in knowing time travel is so common, he no longer gets confused by strange people in old-time clothes who say things like, "Let me see that thing, kid!"  

Wildlife Health Event Reporter bit.ly/IM5NlI

— Scientific American (@sciam) April 17, 2012

The most dangerous game at the wildlife health event is man. Also: the myopic king cobra.

JOHN FUND drudge.tw/HZQ3dM

— Drudge Report (@Drudge_Report) April 17, 2012

We'll bite: WHO IS JOHN FUND?

Oracle says Google's own emails show its guilt reut.rs/IC3z34

— Reuters Technology (@ReutersTech) April 17, 2012

This is a compelling case for why you should name your upstart company Oracle or The Seer or Conscience. Certainly over Shifty Lew's or Deceit Co. Just looks better in tweets.

Clive Owen on the intricacies of death versus sex scenes: bit.ly/I2pwIU #ScreenTest #MayCover

— W magazine (@wmag) April 17, 2012

The gurgle voice. All about the gurgle voice.

And now: John McCain standing next to a giant pig. propub.ca/HNXs1g

— ProPublica (@ProPublica) April 17, 2012

Mac is back, and he's brought a giant four-legged sidekick along for the photo-op.