It’s time for a change

LA CROSSE, Wis. (WLAX/WEUX) – Over the weekend, we overheard someone telling their friend, “Hey man, dress for the job you want.” Never, in our lives, have we been so impacted by 6 little words.

Dress… For… The… Job… You… Want…

April Fools
April Fools

We love Wisconsin. We always will. It’s home. It’s family. It’s everything that is right in the world… save for one thing; the weather. We have grown weary of experiencing all four seasons in a single day. We are tired of sweating in our sweaters because December decided it was going to be July for the afternoon. We have grown weary of losing toes because of the freak August snowstorm. We are tired of Halloween costumes that have to fit over coats… only to suffer heat stroke in the 90-degree October night. To that end, we have decided to dress for the climate we want.

We are proud to announce the launch of CA Proud at

April Fools
April Fools

I know what you’re thinking… this isn’t how science works, pal. To that, we say, “Easy, Einstein.” We are taking control of the state’s wardrobe. The science guys can figure out the other end.

April Fools
April Fools

We don’t really have a plan for HOW to accomplish this we just know that dressing the part is what the guy said will work.

We are asking that the Northwoods dwellers start dressing like people from northern California. Best we can guess, that means lots of flannel and folk music. Loners who strangely smell like skunks all the time. Nothing will change for the Northwoods.

April Fools
April Fools

Those on the east side of the state will be our Bay Area. From some very basic Googling, we think that means dressing like a child who was just given the authority to pick their own outfits. Winter coats with tank tops. Denim from shoes to hat. Animal print everything. As for attitude? Take on the bravado of formerly great sports teams that haven’t won anything in a while. Nothing will change for the Milwaukee area.

Then, we here in Western Wisconsin get the So-Cal climate. It’s an utter free-for-all, friends. Bikini tops with sweatpants to go to church. Tuxedos to run errands. Speedos! All! Day! It means reggae and punk rock. It’s “whoa” and “dude” in our conversations. It means an absolute adoration of our arts scene.

We are going to give this plan of attack one full month of action. If we haven’t seen any change in climate by April 31st, then we will revert back to our original climate plans. Here’s to hoping the science guys can figure out their end by then.

If you have read this far and are still wondering what in the world we are talking about… April Fools, friends. WI Proud is alive and well and we will not be changing ANY time soon!

For the latest news, weather, sports, and streaming video, head to FOX2548 & WIProud.