Tim Tebow Is Excited; A 'Mad Men' Tribute From Chris Matthews

Tim Tebow Is Excited; A 'Mad Men' Tribute From Chris Matthews

We realize there's only so much time one can spend in a day watching new trailers, viral video clips, and shaky cell phone footage of people arguing on live television. This is why every day The Atlantic Wire highlights the videos that truly earn your five minutes (or less) of attention. Today: Tim Tebow's excitement-heavy first press conference as a member of the New York Jets, Chris Matthews welcomes back Mad Men, and James Cameron emerges from the deep.

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Tim Tebow didn't offer the New York media any red meat during his introductory press conference on Monday afternoon. He did, however, say the word 'excited' more than 40 times, at least by the Denver Post's count. Here they are, in all their excited glory. [BuzzFeedKevin]

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Former television president Martin Sheen is the star of a new ad from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee that charges Republicans want to "end Medicare." It's amazing to think that, were it not for Aaron Sorkin, this would just be an ad with Martin Sheen talking about Medicare. Because of The West Wing, it's like a presidential endorsement. [via TPM]

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How excited were the folks at The Chris Matthews Show about the return of Mad Men? Excited enough to produce an elaborate pastiche of the show's opening credit sequence featuring President Obama. It really could have featured anybody currently in the American political arena -- in fact, it might have made more sense with Jeb Bush, John Thune, or one of the other Republicans who passed on a run for the White House -- since the underlying message is: Mad Men. Back! [The Chris Matthews Show via DCist]

Fresh off his journey to the bottom of the ocean, James Cameron talked to National Geographic about what it was like down there. Before you congratulate National Geographic on scoring the interview, consider this: Cameron is their "explorer in residence." In true James Cameron fashion, his first remarks upon emerging from his neon green submersible included a reference to a James Cameron movie. [National Geographic]