Tim Kaine dad jokes flood Twitter after DNC speech

Tim Kaine kicked off his Wednesday night Democratic National Convention speech as any well-meaning family man might — by thanking his wife and children.

“I want to start off by thanking my beautiful wife and my three wonderful children, Nat, Woody and Annella. They are sitting right up there,” he told the crowd gathered at the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia.

According to Twitter, at least, Kaine’s father-figure brand stuck around throughout his speech — and long after it finished — as viewers at home flooded social media with suburban dad jokes about Hillary Clinton’s vice presidential pick.

Before Clinton tapped the Virginia senator and former governor to be her running mate, he was not particularly well-known to the general public. Can he help Clinton win the White House? That remains to be seen. Could he help sell the most Girl Scout cookies in the office? America’s answer: You betcha!

Here are just some of the many tweets about Kaine’s DNC speech:


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