The three classifications of clouds

ELMIRA, N.Y. (WETM) – There are many different and unique types of clouds, but we can classify all clouds in three boxes. These three classifications are stratus, cumulus, and cirrus clouds.

The lowest type of cloud, in height, is the stratus cloud. This is a uniform horizontal-shaped cloud that is similar to a blanket over an area.

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Stratus clouds are normally less than 6,000 feet and can be as low as the ground. This means that fog is a type of stratus cloud. Precipitation is also possible with stratus clouds. If these clouds gain enough moisture, we can see showers fall from them.

Nimbostratus clouds can also produce some heavier persistent showers. These clouds are dark gray and usually multi-layered. The other cloud that is characterized with stratus clouds is the stratocumulus.

The next layer of cloud is the cumulus cloud. These are the cotton-ball-shaped clouds. Cumulus clouds are individually formed and normally white due to the sunshine, but they can have a dark bottom.

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These clouds can form normally from 6,000 to 20,000 feet. Cumulus clouds normally mean fair weather, but they can also gain vertical motion.

The life cycle of a storm cloud also falls into the cumulus category. A cloud will start as a cumulus cloud before gaining vertical motion into a cumulus humulus cloud, a vertical puffy cloud. Then, it can grow to a cumulus congestus cloud. This one can produce heavy rain showers.

The final form is the cumulonimbus cloud. This is the cloud that can produce lightning and a lot of heavy rain.

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You can distinguish this cloud because of the anvil shape as well as the ice crystals, which will give a wispy look around the cloud. Other clouds that are characterized with cumulus clouds are altocumulus and stratocumulus.

The highest type of cloud is the cirrus cloud. This is the wispy or hair-like-looking cloud. These clouds are made entirely of ice crystals.

Cirrus clouds also usually bring in fair weather. Cirrus clouds normally form above 20,000 feet. Other clouds that are characterized with cirrus clouds are cirrostratus and cirrocumulus.

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