Thousands return for 24th Chicago Polar Plunge amid sunny skies and high temps

Over 5,000 people sprinted Sunday into the freezing waters of Lake Michigan for the 24th Annual Chicago Polar Plunge, raising more than a million dollars for Special Olympics programs.

The participants, many of whom donned cheeky costumes and matching ensembles, were graced with sunny 60-degree weather as they splashed into the lake.

All proceeds will benefit Special Olympics Chicago athletes, funding transportation for competitions, uniforms and equipment. Last year, the plunge raised $2.1 million.

The event went on for hours as participants took turns running across the beach. Some waded up to their waists, while others dove in head first to cheers from the crowd. Groups posed for photos before rushing out of the frigid water.

After plunging, Kathryn Trnka, 45, danced across the sand to a Bruce Springsteen song blaring from the speakers. She wore a flowy white gown and a blonde wig.

“I like to think of myself as a modern-day Marilyn Monroe,” Trnka said. “I thought, ‘You know what? Go big or go home.’”

It’s her first time partaking in the plunge, which she joined through her employer, ComEd. The unseasonably warm weather eased the feel of the cold water, she said.

“It was great, warmer than I expected,” Trnka said. “We’re very lucky with the weather this year.”

It was 75-year-old Mariana Zoretic’s fifth year plunging. She shivered as she wrapped a towel over her shoulders. But the avid athlete, a 10-time marathoner, wasn’t deterred by the cold.

“It was fun,” said Zoretic, originally from Croatia. “It was slippery, though. You slip and you slide.”

Zoretic hopes to be back next year. “If I’m alive,” she added with a laugh.

The beach, lined with white tents, was packed with spectators. A line of hopeful participants, wearing bright swimsuits and athletic wear, snaked along the shore. Even Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson was among those taking part, the city said Wednesday.

“This event embodies our city’s commitment to inclusivity, empowerment, and community support,” Johnson said in a statement.

Kate Kreissl, 43, representing the Chicago Athletic Club, waited in line with her two sons. Her group wore sparkly pink Barbie T-shirts.

“We just thought, ‘What’s been uplifting and inspirational this year?’ And it’s Barbie,” Kreissl said.

Kreissl added that the sunny skies alleviated her nerves. Her 8-year-old son, Bennett, stood expressionless beside her.

“It’s gonna be cold,” Bennett said.

Joe Vanis stood in line further back, wearing only a white apron emblazoned with the name of his employer, Progressive. It was his third time plunging — this year, his six-person team raised $1,500.

“You’ll be nervous right before, and then when you’re in, it is what it is,” Vanis, 37, said.

He recalled how, during the 2019 plunge, volunteers had to break the ice along the surface of the lake.

“So this is nothing,” Vanis said, smiling as the sun beat down.