Thomasville High School graduates Class of 2024

May 20—THOMASVILLE- Thomasville High School held its Commencement Ceremony for the THS Class of 2024 on Friday, May 17, 2024, in the THS Gymnasium, where 170 students walked in as seniors and left as alumni.

The ceremony began with a welcome from THS Principal Bryson Daniels. Senior Class Vice President, Anthony Diggs Jr. then welcomed the audience to the Commencement Ceremony, thanking them for their attendance, and introducing his fellow class officers.

Following Diggs' welcome and introduction, Rylee Trulock sang the National Anthem as the JROTC Color Guard presented the colors. SGA Parliamentarian DeMaya Sawyer then took to the podium.

"High school graduation is a once-in-a-lifetime achievement," she said. "It is a time of celebration and reflection of the many years of hard work and sacrifice. It is a milestone for which I would like to commend the students and their families for their efforts to make tonight's ceremony a reality."

Sawyer then turned her attention to her fellow classmates, telling them that graduation honored both them and their parents, saying she hoped the education they received at each level during their years in the Thomasville City School System had helped them develop the knowledge, interest, ideals, and habits that would propel them to greater accomplishments.

"After tonight's fanfare, I hope we will look back on our time at Thomasville High School and remember the values of respect, perseverance, and integrity that we have acquired," she said.

Upon the conclusion of Sawyer's address, Daniels introduced Salutatorian, Katie Beth Young, who he said exemplified everything great about the youth of today.

Young greeted guests, before sharing a quote from William Shakespeare.

"We know what we are, but know not what we may be," she recited. "These words resonate so much in this moment. What seemed like an infinite number of classes, practices, Mondays, and exams led us all to this moment when our time at Thomasville High School finally came to an end."

Young said years of preparation led the Class of 2024 to this day, which now symbolizes a new beginning filled with unlimited potential.

"It is important to remember not to stress about what could've been done differently or about what is to come, but to reflect on how far we have come and how much we have accomplished," she said.

Young told her class that she's often heard it said that one will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory and she felt the weight of those words on Friday night.

"Although this is soon to be just another memory, I do not doubt it will be an unforgettable one," she said. "In fact, the word unforgettable is the best word to describe our class."

Young said the Class of 2024 has never had a dull moment, creating unparalleled connections with teachers, coaches, and staff, while going above and beyond on simple tasks.

She concluded by congratulating her unforgettable classmates for the culmination of hard work that all led to Friday night's ceremony.

"Let us remember that the journey doesn't end here, as we venture forward into the world let us embrace the challenges that lie ahead with courage and resilience and knowledge that we always have support from each other," she reminded.

With a thunderous round of applause, Valedictorian Evan Ariail then took to the podium, celebrating the fact that after 18 years the moment everyone had been waiting for had finally arrived.

"After such a long race, this marks the finish line of that long journey," he said. "All those years ago in elementary school, this night never seemed real, rather just something in the distance that was never getting any closer."

However, as the years passed with disruption from a global pandemic and reconstruction of the school, Ariail said he and his classmates still found their way to the finish line.

"On our journeys, we've confronted challenges," he said. "We've grown as people and persisted toward success."

Ariail acknowledged that as much as the class has grown, graduation can still be filled with nostalgia, as the class reflects on the years past, while still being excited about what's to come.

"Tonight may mark the ending of one chapter of our lives, but it represents the beginning of the next," he said.

Ariail reflected on the years spent with his classmates at THS, sharing a quote from Albert Einstein.

"Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think," he recited. "Education isn't just about acquiring knowledge, rather critical thinking and problem-solving skills that carry us far beyond the classroom."

Ariail said his time in the classroom had taught him how to nurture his passions and he knew it had done the same for his classmates.

"When I look out into this audience, I see passion," he said. "I see athletes, scholars, artists, musicians, and leaders. Rather you're going to college, the workforce, or the service, use your education and use the connections you've made over the years."

Ariail concluded by thanking the teachers, parents, and friends who have helped make these connections over the years and their unwavering support.

"Without you, we wouldn't be the people we are today," he said. "My fellow graduates, I wish you all the best."

With a round of applause, Daniels then began presenting the diplomas to the Class of 2024, before presenting them to the Board of Education for acceptance.

The graduates celebrated by turning their tassels and throwing their caps in the air.