This Man Spent More Than $5,000 to Dress Up As a Dog


There is a person in that dog outfit. (Image courtesy of Channel 4)

Plenty of women have claimed that men are total dogs when it comes to the dating world, but this 32-year-old lighting technician, Tom (or “Spot,” as he prefers to be called), really enjoys being an actual dog, complete with a full-body latex dog costume and everything.

Before you file this away as just another peculiar sexual fetish, Tom explains that this form of “puppy play” is more about being at peace with yourself and being able to live in the moment.

“You can find such enjoyment in simple things — such as getting tennis balls thrown for you! And treats! My pup side doesn’t tend to get me in trouble, but sometimes when I’m in a pet store I can get odd looks from the staff when they see how excited I get over the chew toys,” Tom explains. Apparently, dressing up as a puppy is a way to escape from the stresses of every day life, Tom asserts, explaining, “Being a dog is a chance to relax, to unwind, and just be happy and playful — things most adults have very little time in the day to do.”


(Image courtesy of Channel 4)

If you think Tom is rare, think again. Jocelyn Wildenstein, aka “Catwoman,” spent upwards of $4 million dollars to alter her features to appear catlike (Tom has spent around $5,800 on his costumes and accessories, according to the Telegraph). There’s even a whole secretive world of “Furries” — people who dress up as animals such as raccoons, wolves, or foxes.

If you want to learn more about Tom, check out the trailer for his upcoming feature, The Secret Life of the Human Pups, set to air on Channel 4 tonight in the U.K. (warning: it’s not exactly safe for work.)

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