The Naked Cowboy sings a Trump tribute

The Naked Cowboy told Yahoo News that he voted for Donald Trump today.

“Trump has a lot of good ideas,” he said. When asked to elaborate, the Naked Cowboy responded in song.

“Well, Trump’s going to take the regulations off the back of these corporations, and that sounds like a good idea to me,” he sang. “Trump’s going to build a wall, and Mexico is going to pay for it all. That sounds like a good idea to me.”

The Naked Cowboy then turned around and danced, revealing the word “Trump” hand-painted in alternating red and blue on his signature all-white briefs. His guitar was plastered with corresponding Trump/Pence campaign stickers.

Naked Cowboy in front of Trump Tower on 5th Avenue in midtown Manhattan on October 29, 2016. (Photo: Andrew Lichtenstein/Corbis via Getty Images)
Naked Cowboy in front of Trump Tower on 5th Avenue in midtown Manhattan on October 29, 2016. (Photo: Andrew Lichtenstein/Corbis via Getty Images)

The Naked Cowboy also said in his informative song that he agreed with Trump’s views on defending America against ISIS, the Second Amendment, women’s rights and Obamacare.

“Vote for Donald J. Trump, my friends,” he said. “Make America great again.”

The Naked Cowboy said he had been performing outside of Trump Tower for the last 42 days, including Tuesday, Election Day. However, due to heightened security he relocated to Times Square where he could play freely.

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