The Internet Is VERY Confused About What This Weird Silhouette Is

Facebook users are very, very confused by a strange silhouette - which seems to show a lobster-like creature in front of a pane of glass.

Facebook user Savannah Root posted the image on April 13 - challenging viewers to work out what on Earth it was.

Root said, ‘I stared at this picture for an hour trying to figure out what it was, once you figure it out comment below, please don’t ruin it for anyone…’

The image has now been shared widely worldwide - with many users utterly baffled.

One said, ‘I stared at this picture for an hour trying to figure out what it was, once you figure it out comment below, please don’t ruin it for anyone…’

But like many good optical illusions, the image is quite simple to understand once you know the secret.

It’s actually a cowboy, rather than an undersea creature - as you can clearly see with these red lines painted over the picture.