Tesla extends the range of cars to help owners escape Irma

Hurricane Irma is quickly bearing down on Florida. People in parts of the peninsula have been issued a mandatory evacuation order. According to Electrek, Tesla has temporarily extended the range of some of its cars to help owners evacuate. The extra capacity is good for an extra 30 or 40 miles of range, not an insubstantial amount even in the best weather conditions. Owners of either a Models S or Model X 60 or 60D may see a temporary bump in capacity.

For a time, owners could purchase a Tesla with a 75 kWh battery that was artificially limited to 60 kWh. These models were less expensive, though owners could spend between $4,500 and $9,000 to lift the restrictions, depending on the model. Tesla simply sent an over the air update that lifted the restriction for owners who had not already done so. The info came to light after an owner contacted Electrek when he saw his car had more range and the 75 badge in the software. Tesla later confirmed the extension.

Most of Florida's Supercharger network is still active, so for now most owners will still be able to make it out of the evacuation zone, even without the extension. Still, every little bit helps. Range anxiety is the last thing these owners need.

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