'Terror in the sky' and 'I've lost my hands and feet to sepsis'

The headline on the front page of Metro reads: "Brit dies in jet plunge at 38,000 feet"
"Brit dies in jet plunge at 38,000ft" headlines the Metro as it reports on British traveller Geoffrey Kitchen, 73, dying while on a flight from London to Singapore that was hit by "extreme turbulence". The paper quotes a passenger as saying the aircraft suddenly started "tilting up" when it was above the Myanmar coast. [BBC]
Daily Express headlines "British grandad killed in flight horror plunge"
"Terror in the sky" headlines the Mirror
"I've lost my hands and feet to sepsis, says MP" is the headline on the Telegraph
The i headlines "Brit charged with spying for China found dead in Maidenhead park"
The i leads with a man charged with spying for China being found dead in a park in Berkshire. Ex-Royal Marine Matthew Trickett, 37, had been due at the Old Bailey on Friday charged with spying on Hong Kong activists in the UK, the paper writes. Police are investigating his death. [BBC]
Times headlines "make fewer arrests to help jail, police told"
A mockup of a rat in jail features on the Daily Star front page
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