Terri White: Sing a song

Mar. 9—As I dug through some files the other day, I rifled through our folder stuffed with our funeral arrangements. Not a happy topic, but planning is imperative so we don't leave a mess for our children. The plan, though, has long been set, so there's nothing more to do. But I keep thinking about it. Our folder includes the song lists for Steve and me. I chose my all-time favorites. However, Steve chose those he plays at his monthly music jam — the flavor of the day tunes. Looking through my list buoyed my spirits, so I decided to listen to them.

Soon YouTube blasted my favorites throughout the house. I swayed to "It's a Wonderful World" by Louis Armstrong — the best of the best. It perfectly sums up how I feel about our amazing life on this planet.

Then "Happy" by Pharrell Williams rang out "... if you feel like a room without a roof!" Oh, joy! Did I ever boogie! Light as air. "A Beautiful Morning" by The Rascals complemented the former duo. Gazing at the sunny, blue sky brought all the warm feels.

I waxed philosophical with the Eagles' "Love Will Keep Us Alive", a message that should be shouted from mountain tops — because love is the main ingredient of life. While listening, I shed tears, longing for this truth to become a reality across the globe.

Natalie Cole, one of my favorites, belted out "This Will Be an Everlasting Love." More jubilant dancing as I thought about my sweetheart of 47 years. With their iconic voices, Frank Sinatra and Nora Jones added final romantic touches.

Of course, I sprinkled in more of my all-time favorites from the 1970s. Several songs played, including the Bee Gees, "You Should Be Dancing". If you know me, you know. I should have videoed my cool moves — destined a winner on Facebook reels.

My house filled with joy as I bopped around, imagining my Celebration of Life. To share memories, family and friends will gather. I could picture them in my mind. Perhaps some will muster the courage to regale the group with "guts, feathers, and all" stories. Spicy stuff!

People rarely know us fully. Instead, they know a "side" of us that fits the type of relationship we share. Thus, listening to others recount their memories gives friends and family a rounder view of us — me in this case. Sounds fun! I wish I could attend. Ha!

The tunes rolled on until "Imagine" by John Lennon thoughtfully ended my list. Oh, that we humans would put aside our petty differences that lead to so much heartbreak and loss. Sigh.

With the songs finished, I tucked my playlist back in the folder. And there it will await that future moment of my passing into the next realm. Life has been good to me. I was born into a loving family, received a first-rate education, married a good man, raised amazing children, was blessed with stellar grandchildren, and experienced a lifetime of adventures. At age 75, I

believe I have made a difference in this world — a difference that improved lives. For that I am grateful. It's been a joy to share my gifts with the people in my life.

Memories — sweet and encouraging. Cheering me on to journey through this last leg of life. With more to anticipate. More to share. More to love. And more to receive. Perhaps my final chapter will become the crowning jewel. Earth, Wind, and Fire got it right: "If you sing a song today, you will make a better way..." And that's my plan. I will sing — and dance — until.