Teenage worker struck by fallen wall, injured in Brockton construction accident

BROCKTON — A teenager was injured after a wall collapsed during a construction accident in Brockton on Tursday afternoon, Brockton Fire Chief Brian Nardelli said.

Firefighters responded to the scene, located at a lot at the end of Westbury Road, shortly after 4:19 p.m., and found two injured construction workers — one with only minor injuries and another with what appeared to be moderate head and shoulder injuries, Nardelli said.

The 19-year-old with head and shoulder injuries was apparently struck by a collapsed wall at the construction site, but it is unclear how or why the accident occurred, the chief said.

According to Nardelli, the teenager was able to get himself out from underneath the wall with help from other workers but needed help to get out of the construction site.

“We had to extricate him down off something that basically didn’t have stairs,” Nardelli said. “We had to put him in a stokes basket, remove him from the first-floor landing, down a ladder, over piles of dirt, and out to the ambulance where he was transported to Good Samaritan Medical Center."

This article originally appeared on The Enterprise: Brockton construction accident: Worker injured on Westbury Road