Ted Cruz Accidentally Punches, Elbows Wife in The Face on Stage

Texas Senator Ted Cruz dropped out of the 2016 presidential race Tuesday night, leaving bombastic billionaire Donald Trump as the party's presumptive nominee for the White House.

Read: Ted Cruz Drops Out of GOP Race, Leaving Donald Trump The Presumptive Nominee

He became emotional when he spoke to supporters in Indiana: “We are suspending our campaign. We are not suspending our fight for liberty.”

After his speech, he hugged his father and accidentally punched and elbowed his wife, Heidi, in the face.

Twitter lit with reaction following the unfortunate moment.

Feedback to Donald Trump’s victory has been punishing.

The anti-Trump New York Daily News called it the death of the Republican Party with the harsh words on their cover: “Dearly Beloved, We Are Gathered Here Today To Mourn The GOP, A Once Great Political Party Killed By Epidemic Of Trump.”

Conservative talk radio host Erick Erickson said he would de-register as a member of the Republican Party if Trump secured the presidential nominee.

“If Trump is the Republican Party nominee, I won’t be a Republican,” he told the Daily Beast.

Elizabeth Warren took to Facebook to blast Trump.

She wrote: “He attacks veterans like John McCain who were captured and puts our service members at risk by cheerleading illegal torture.

"In a world with ISIS militants and leaders like North Korean strongman Kim Jong-Un conducting nuclear tests, he surrounds himself with a foreign policy team that has been called a ‘collection of charlatans,’ and puts out contradictory and nonsensical national security ideas one expert recently called ‘incoherent’ and ‘truly bizarre.’”

Read: Trump Slams Cruz After Fiorina Fell Off The Stage: 'Even I Would Have Helped Her'

The polls are split on how Trump will fare against Hillary Clinton.

The latest CNN poll shows Clinton leading Trump 54 percent to 41 percent.

A Rasmussen poll shows Trump leading Clinton by 41 percent to 39 percent.

Watch: Trump Says Ted Cruz's Dad Was With Lee Harvey Oswald Before JFK's Assassination

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