5 Headphone Styles That Make a Statement

If your choice of headphones in the workplace makes a statement, then the question becomes this: What statement do you want to make?

Here are five headphones for your consideration — and a rough translation of what each is saying.



Model: Skullcandy Ink’d 2, in black, with mic:

Translation: I would rather you not ask me about my headphones.



Model: SleepPhones.

Translation: Zzzzzzzzz.



Model: Abyss AB-1266

Translation: I have an insane amount of disposable income. (These cost just shy of $5,500)



Model: 500XL Desktop Earbud Speakers

Translation: I have so little respect for your personal space, I will only listen to my earbuds out loud.



Model: Molami Twine

Translation: I am the kind of person who wears headphones that are best explained by a short art film.

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