Team SoloMid win the 2017 NA LCS Spring title, qualify for the Mid-Season Invitational

North America’s Team SoloMid at the 2017 NA LCS Spring Finals in Vancouver, BC (Riot Games/lolesports)
North America’s Team SoloMid at the 2017 NA LCS Spring Finals in Vancouver, BC (Riot Games/lolesports)

In a back-and-forth series that went to all five possible games, Team SoloMid won the 2017 North American League of Legends Championship Series Spring Split over Cloud9.

TSM began the series with two quick victories, and looked to sweep the competition before C9 fought back in Games 3 and 4. Game 5 was close and full of small skirmishes and duels from both teams, with TSM emerging the victors after 42:51. Syndra was a hotly contested pick between mid laners Nicolaj “Jensen” Jensen and Søren “Bjergsen” Bjerg, after being banned by TSM in Game 1. The champion had a 100 percent winrate throughout the series. TSM’s jungle and top lane duo of Dennis “Svenskeren” Johnsen and Kevin “Hauntzer” Yarnell also impressed.

Team SoloMid joins Taiwan’s Flash Wolves in qualifying for the second round of the 2017 Mid-Season Invitational Play-in. There, they will face one of two minor region teams that make it out of the first round. Korea’s SK Telecom T1 and Europe’s G2 Esports have also qualified and have been seeded into the main MSI event.

Emily Rand’s love for the 2013 KT Rolster Bullets will never die. You can follow her on Twitter @leagueofemily