A Teacher Breast-Fed My Baby!

What would you do if someone nursed your baby without your permission? That’s what happened to one mother, who alleges that a teacher at her infant’s daycare offered to breastfeed her son because she thought he might be constipated. When the mom said she wasn’t comfortable with that, the teacher was caught on camera nursing the baby anyway!

“I don’t think anyone drops their child off at daycare expecting them to be breastfed by another woman,” says ER Physician Dr. Travis Stork.

Watch: Shocking Daycare Violations!

Even worse, the baby ended up in the hospital. He’s lactose-intolerant and the uninvited milk left him vomiting.

Dermatologist Dr. Sonia Batra points out that there health risks involved. Even if the baby hadn’t been lactose-intolerant, a stranger’s milk might expose an infant to alcohol, medication, or disease.

Watch: Shocking Footage of Daycare Worker Shaking Baby

The Doctors agree – be very clear about your wishes when you talk to your child’s caretakers. It’s not rude to be firm about what you do and do not want them to do!