Taylor Swift returns to her part-time job as a greeting card designer


Do you want to express your feelings just as eloquently as Taylor Swift does? Now you can, with a little help from bedazzled greeting cards. 

As Elle pointed out, a Taylor Swift fan account on Instagram drew attention to slew of new greeting cards emblazoned with a 'Taylor Swift' sticker. 

SEE ALSO: Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris' love story is over? Baby, just say no!

Apparently the singer/songwriter is continuing a partnership with Papyrus, and proceeds from the sales of greeting cards will go towards charities. Swift previously partnered with American Greetings in 2009. 

A screen shot was captured by the fans, and it looks as if more information regarding the partnership will be available soon. 

Mashable has reached out to Papyrus for comment and will update this article once we receive a response.