Tantalizing Clues About the iPad 3

Put on your slippers and run downstairs, fanboys and girls, because it's like Christmas morning for iPad lovers who've been waiting for details about their toy. Ars Technica's Jacqui Cheng cracked into the site's source code to find that its servers had been accessed by multiple devices identified as the much-anticipated next generation iPads. Apparently the devices were even running iOS 6.

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The chasers of Mac rumors seem certain that Apple will unveil a new iPad with a high-resolution screen at its planned press event next week. According Ars Technica's data, they're right. Cheng writes that the blog's staff "found 346 visits from a device with a screen resolution of 2048x1536 -- the exact resolution rumored for the "retina" display in the next-generation iPad. As Cheng writes, "Although a screen resolution by itself isn't much to go on, a quick search around the Web indicates that there are very few devices in current use that have this same resolution." 

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So what's it look like? Probably a lot like the iPad 2, but unfortunately, we probably won't see a trustworthy picture until next week. That is, unless one of these Apple employees has a birthday, gets hammered and leaves it on a bar stool, of course.