Tampa pastor accused of using racist, homophobic slurs at New Beginnings veterans shelter

Tampa pastor accused of using racist, homophobic slurs at New Beginnings veterans shelter

TAMPA, Fla. (WFLA) — Former staff and volunteers at New Beginnings claim the CEO of the homeless shelter for veterans used racial and homophobic slurs while they worked there.

Neon Frazier, who volunteered at the shelter until recently, is one of several who claim Tom Atchison called staff “the help” and much worse.

“He would refer to us as [racial slur]” Frazier said. “We heard it several times.”

Atchison denies he has ever used any racially or sexually charged language.

“I never in the world have said anything like that,” Atchison said. “I have never called anyone those types of names.”

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Evelyn Manley was also a volunteer who helped veterans find housing. She recalled a remark she claims was made by Atchison while music was played at the facility.

“He was talking,” Manley said. “Who’s playing that [slur] music. I said the veterans want to hear it. [Atchison said] well, they don’t need to hear that.”

Atchison said his former employees are just angry about a failed attempt to take over the program.

“All the petty gossip, threats and lies of a few disgruntled employees does not equal the overwhelming evidence of a lifetime of service to the community to the disenfranchised,” Atchison said in a statement. “No matter the color of skin or their sexual orientation or any
religious beliefs that they might have.”

Manley and Frazier said there was never an attempt to take over New Beginnings.

“We wanted it run better,” Frazier said. “There were times he couldn’t keep the lights and water on. Where did the money go?”

Another allegation Atchison denied involves former employee Bobby Coy, a Navy veteran who also lived at the facility when he was homeless. Coy identifies as a male.

“He didn’t have any respect for me or my decisions,” Coy said.

Frazier said she witnessed Atchison talking negatively about Coy.

“He would call him all kinds of things that aren’t polite,” Frazier said. “A lot of homophobic things that he would say.”

Coy said the issue started when he was homeless and asked to move in to New Beginnings.

“Pastor Tom was actually in the office and he made the comment that’s not going to happen,” Coy said.

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“No,” Atchison said when asked if he refused to let Coy live at the facility because of his sexual orientation. “We’ve had gay people live here. We do not discriminate.”

Atchison pointed out Coy did eventually move in to the facility, but former employees claim that happened after complaints about the decision against allowing him to live there.

Frazier and Manley said their volunteer positions were suspended by Atchison. Coy and several other former employees said they were fired.

Atchison claims he fired two and the rest left on their own after he refused to the let former New Beginnings Executive Director Ian Donnell “run the place.” Donnell has not responded to requests for comment.

The terminated employees said they were fired after questioning how Atchison spent federal VA funding to run New Beginnings that they said totaled about $70,000 a month.

Frazier said she “set aside the slurs” from Atchison because her goal was to help the homeless veterans.

“I know the vets need my help,” Frazier said. “We were able to get them through the most difficult time of their lives. That outweighed the racism. I’ve heard those things my whole life.”

She said it was very disappointing to hear the harsh language from someone “who’s supposed be a pastor,” and she added she would “swear on the Bible” that her claim is true.

“How many Bibles can you bring because I could put my hands on all of them,” Frazier said.
“Because this is definitely the truth.”

8 On Your Side has heard similar claims from more than a dozen employees, volunteers and witnesses, but Atchison said they are all lying.

“Yes. All of them are lying. I’ve got 30 years with me and my wife, with several staff members. that will vouch for me and say they’ve never heard me say [these words],” Atchison said. “For over 30 years, we have shown love, compassion and respect for their belief even if they are contrary to our personal belief.”

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Atchison claims “they’re disgruntled employees who have their own agenda.”

“They want to run this place the way they want,” he said.

Former New Beginnings staff members said they were interviewed by VA investigators. James Haley VA Public Affairs said there is not an active investigation.

Haley Chief of Communications Roderick Cunningham has not answered questions about the slurs that were emailed to him Thursday.

According to Cunningham, following the staff shakeup, the VA is not currently sending veterans or the nearly $50 dollars a day in federal funding for each one to New Beginnings.

“We have temporarily paused new referrals to New Beginnings of Tampa due to their recent personnel turnover,” Cunningham said. “However, we continue to work with New Beginnings and their newly hired staff to ensure they have adequate, trained staff as well as record of documentation requirements outlined in the contract to ensure they continue to provide quality care and services for Veterans experiencing homelessness.”

Atchison said he expected the referrals to continue after his new employees complete a certification process.

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