The Talk: What HIV isn’t

For the third episode of the fourth season of Plus’s video series, “The Talk,” we sit back down with Milan, Mark, Bryan, and Morris to discuss the common misconceptions people have with HIV. From dispelling the belief that HIV is a death sentence to the importance of U=U, these four are busting myths and spreading some pure wisdom. “One thing I can tell you, and two things for sure, HIV isn’t a death sentence. HIV isn’t something you should be ashamed about,” Trans Rights and HIV Activist Milan Nicole Sherry explains. “There are many, many amazing people, such as myself, who will welcome you with open arms into our support groups.” From the power of community to the lack of education on what U=U means, there is a lot for people who are newly diagnosed to learn. For example, U=U means that people living with HIV who take medication daily to control the virus and remain virally suppressed can't pass HIV through sex. Unfortunately, most people are generally aware of PrEP, but not Undetectable = Untransmissable. “U=U is a powerful message,” Milan shares. “U=U has improved my quality of life in so many ways. Something that I say is, ‘Yes, I am a trans woman, yes, I live with HIV, but I’m also undetectable.’ When you think about ending HIV, it ends with me.” Watch the video to learn more.

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