Who Is Taking Photos of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed at Guantanamo Bay?

This isn't the way we should start your Memorial Day weekend, but here it goes: apparently someone at Guantanamo Bay might be taking photos of alleged 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, smuggling them out, and posting them on a jihadist website.  So where do we start with this?  

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Well, the photo (right) went live on the "Al-Ebdaa Media" website's message board on Wednesday with the headline: "New Pictures from The Champions of Islam in Guantanamo." , It's a jihadist website according to NBC News terrorism expert Evan Kohlman. He believes the images look like they've were taken at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp (where Mohammed is being detained before his trial for the 9/11 attack) in Cuba.  

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But besides stoking the fires of jihadist discontent, officials are also worried because it's totally illegal to smuggle photos out of Gitmo. And of course, there's the nagging question of who exactly is smuggling these photos (if they are found to be real). Because it's not likely (nor should it be) that Mohammed's fellow inmates have access to smart phones or digital cameras or umm, Instagram.  

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NBC does report that Pentagon officials have dispatched investigators to figure out if the photos are photoshopped. Let's hope that's the case (in your blogger's unofficial and by no means Pentagon-approved opinion: look at that beard/how long is this guys' neck?/weird cut out of his head!).